Clontarf Beach State School Facilities
While Clontarf Beach State School is over 70 years old we pride ourselves in continually refreshing our resources to provide all students with inviting and engaging school facilities.
Swimming pool
The school has a solar-heated 25m swimming pool which is the focus of our Physical Education programs in Terms 1 and 4. The pool provides us with the opportunity to also host additional swimming lessons provided by external swimming coaches for a comparable fee to private swimming lessons and squad programs for our older swimmers. We use this facility to host our Junior and Senior Swimming Carnivals in Term 4.
Learning environments
Our generous-sized classrooms are designed to provide optimal learning environments for all students with capacity for whole class, small group and personalised learning experiences. The school music program is hosted in a specialist music facility also supporting our Instrumental Music Program. Our Library and Computer Lab offer students the opportunity for research-based and collaborative learning experiences as an extension for their classroom environments. The School Hall is utilised for performance opportunities during parade, school concerts and musical performance evenings. The Hall is also utilised by community groups outside of school hours.

Play environments
Students have access to age specific playgrounds with purpose-built equipment. The school boasts a large oval area, tennis courts, scooter track, netball/basketball courts, handball courts and ping pong table. Indoor areas such as the library are open all year round and covered play areas provide opportunities for shaded play spaces during the warmer months of the year. 'Checkpoint' is another play space for children that offers an alternative to the playground and is supervised by support staff.

Playgroup room
Our school hall has a purpose built playgroup room and fenced outdoor area, boasting a bike track, sandpit, community garden and plenty of toys to play with. Adjacent to this is a fully equipped room for Queensland Health nurses to use for Pop Up Clinics.
School Tuckshop
Clontarf Beach State School P&C employs a tuckshop convenor who provides tuckshop services on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. This is an outstanding service for our school and is well supported by the school community and assisted by regular parent volunteers.
Outside of School Hours Care
There are a number of Outside School Hours Care services within the local Clontarf area providing placements for our students. Camp Australia hosts a service located on the School site offering Outside of School Hours Care and Vacation Care programs.