After school hours care is available to all children from
Clontarf Beach State School at the Team Kids facility located in the
annexe building.
Team Kids has partnered with Clontarf Beach State
School to deliver Outside School Hours Care (OSHC) and Vacation Care. Team Kids will partner with our school
community to deliver a tailored before and after school care and vacation care
program that is focused on bringing out the very best in kids. The program will combine active games with
structured and unstructured play, quiet time and a healthy snack. Every day is an adventure led by enthusiastic
Team Kids educators who are on a mission to make kids smile.
Please visit the Team Kids website at to find out all you need to know about registering and to book your children into the program.
If you have any further questions, call the friendly Customer Service Team from Monday to Friday.

Contact us
Team Kids Head Office